
石田 文彦教授
いしだ ふみひこ
- 授業担当科目
- AI・MOTⅠ、AI・MOTⅡ、環境・エネルギー実習、知的信号処理特論
- 所属学会
- International Neural Network Society,電子情報通信学会,日本神経科学学会,日本神経回路学会,計測自動制御学会
- 専門分野
- 生体情報工学
- 校務分掌
- 教務主事補,知能プログラミング研究会顧問、ラグビー同好会顧問
- ishida-f@nc-toyama.ac.jp[at]の部分を@と変えてください。
- 生体運動制御のメカニズム解明
- 神経活動の情報量解析
- 生体信号を利用したインターフェース開発
- 生体信号の信号処理応用
- Ishida, F., Wakata, K., Numerical study on adjusting parameters to improve gaze estimation using planar approximations from electro-oculogram signal voltage ratios, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Vol. 9, pp. 181-187, 2019.
- Ishida, F., Hirano, H., Fujimura, Y., Development of a method for gaze estimation based on planar approximations of voltage ratios calculated from multiple electro-oculogram signals, Advanced Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 21-26, 2015.
- Ishida,F., Sasaki,T., Sakaguchi,Y. & Shimai,H., Reinforcement-learning agents with different temperature parameters explain the variety of human action-selection behavior in a Markov decision process task, Neurocomputing, Vol. 72, pp.1979-1984, 2009.
- Ishida, F. & Sawada, Y., Semianalytical transient solution of a delayed differential equation and its application to the tracking motion in the sensory-motor system, Physical Review E, Vol.75, No. 1, 012901, 2007.
- Ishida, F. & Sawada, Y., Human hand moves proactively to the external stimulus; an evolutional strategy for minimizing transient error, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, No. 16, 168105, 2004.