星野 朱美嘱託教授
ほしの あけみ
- 授業担当科目
- 環日本海諸国語I~IV(中国語)
- 所属学会
- 日本音響学会,電子情報通信学会,日本中国語学会
- 専門分野
- 中国語音声分析,中国語音声認識,中国語音声教育
- hoshino[at]nc-toyama.ac.jp[at]の部分を@と変えてください。
- 中国語発音訓練システムの開発
- 中国語音声認識
- 中国語発音教授法
- 中国語音声認識
- 音声分析
- 中国語の発音指導
- Automatic DiscriminationSystem for Chinese velar Aspirated Sounds and Unaspirated Sounds Pronounced by Japanese Students. International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT) Paris, France, pp.145-149, 2018
- Automatic Recognition of Chinese Aspirated Sounds Pronounced by Japanese Students. International Journal of computer and communication Engineering Vol.6,No.3 & No6, PP221-228, 2017.
- Automatic Discrimination System for Chinese Bilabial Aspirated and Unaspirated Sounds Pronounced by Japanese Students, International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), Taina, Taiwan, pp.180-183, 2016
- Automatic Judgment System for Chinese Retroflex and Dental Affricates Pronounced by Japanese Students, International Journal of Information and Education Technology,Vol.4,No.2,April 2014,pp.167-171,2014
- Automatic Discrimination of Pronunciations of Chinese Retroflex and Dental Affricates, Springer, LNAL 8202,2013,pp 303-314,2013
- Discrimination of Chinese pronunciations of aspirated dental and retroflex syllables according to breathing power and its frequency dependency during VOT, Acoustics 2012,Nantes,France,pp.339-344,2012
- Pronunciation training system of Chinese aspiration for Japanese students, Acoust. Sci.&Tech.32,p154-157,2011
- Pronunciation Training System for Japanese Students Learning Chinese aspiration ,ICETI2011, pp288-293,2011
- Evaluation of Aspiration Sounds of Chinese Labial and alveolar Diphthong Uttered Japanese Students Using Voice Onset Time and Breathing Power, Proceeding of ISCSLP 2006, Singapore.pp.13-24, 2006.
- Effect of Japanese Articulation of Stops on pronunciation of Chinese aspirated Sounds by Japanese Students,Proceeding of ISCSLP 2004, Hong Kong, pp.125-128, 2004.
- 日本人学生による中国語有気音発話のVOTとパワーによる評価 日本音響学会誌VOL.58 NO.11,pp.689-695, 2002